Sustainability in the TIMETOACT GROUP

Our contribution to the environment, fair cooperation and responsible corporate governance.

Sustainability is one of the major topics of our time and we also want to get involved and face up to our responsibility as TIMETOACT GROUP. This includes not only a contribution to the protection of the environment, but also commitment in the areas of social and corporate governance, for which the term Environmental Social Governance (ESG for short) has become established

Felix Binsack

The TIMETOACT GROUP can act sustainably, then so can we! In the end, everyone benefits from it: Sustainable corporate management is good for the environment, for our employees, customers and partners - and in the long term it has a positive effect on the entire development of the company. It was therefore clear to us that the time had come to turn our existing sustainability measures into an official ESG project and to push the issue even further.

Felix Binsack Managing Director TIMETOACT GROUP

Our contribution to environmental protection

Our sustainability strategy defines clear goals and measures that provide orientation and a firm framework.

Code of Conduct and Environmental Policy: These guidelines promote a common understanding of environmentally friendly practices and strengthen our corporate culture.

Reduction targets and progress monitoring: We regularly evaluate and optimize our initiatives through clearly defined targets and KPIs. In addition, environmental protection is firmly anchored in the GROUP's values.

Living responsibility

Working together is our strength. Our corporate culture is based on respect, fairness and diversity. Compliance with labor law standards and fair working conditions is just the beginning.

Code of Conductand Diversity Policy: These guidelines promote a common understanding and commitment to sustainable cooperation.

Training and development: Numerous programs and flexible working models strengthen our employees.

Measurable progress: We use social KPIs to ensure transparency and document continuous improvements.

Taking responsibility

With our Integrated Management System (IMS), we create the basis for transparent and ethical corporate governance.

Risk management and reporting: These central tasks strengthen our internal control systems and create trust.

Value-oriented culture: Our principles “We Care, We Drive, We Deliver” motivate us to actively live up to the highest standards.

We document our goals and progress transparently and continuously.

Our values at a glance

Ecovadis -Bewertung 2023: Fortschritte sichtbar machen


Die TIMETOACT GROUP erhielt für das Berichtsjahr 2023 das EcoVadis-Abzeichen „Committed“. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Anregungen aus dem Bericht nehmen wir in unsere Roadmap 2024/2025 auf.

Important stations on our path to sustainability

December 2024: Female Finance

Our female employees are informed in detail about how they can close pension gaps, e.g. to compensate for part-time work or unpaid care work.

December 2024: Conversion of most GROUP locations to green electricity

By 31.12.2024, all but two offices will have switched to green electricity. For the two offices, the changeover is the responsibility of the landlord and not ours.

November 2024: ISO27001 certification for two more GROUP companies

This year, 7 out of 11 companies are certified according to ISO27001 in the area of information security. 

November 2024: Start Women in Tech - virtual coffee dates

The “Network” working group within the Women in Tech initiative has launched the “Women in Tech Coffee Connection” to promote networking across the entire GROUP among women and female employees in times of home office and hybrid teams.

October 2024: Cooperation with the Hacker School

As part of our diversity strategy and awareness of our social responsibility as a company, we want to support (young) people with disadvantages due to their social background and open up opportunities for them to start their careers.

October 2024: Expansion of the careers website to include the “Diversity” and “Women in Tech” sections

“Diversity” and “Women in Tech” sections Prominent positioning of our diversity activities on the GROUP website for even more transparency and awareness-raising

September 2024: GROUP appearance at the ITCS trade fair

As a team, we presented the diversity of our GROUP at the ITCS trade fair, where we also took to the “Women in Tech” stage for the entire day.  

September 2024: TISAX - Information security in the automotive sector

TIMETOACT has been TISAX-certified since September. This means we meet additional requirements in the area of information security.

August 2024: Optimization of risk management

In order to improve our risk management and review our measures even more effectively, we have introduced a central system. This uses a supporting tool that also includes sustainability risks.

July 2024: Publication of the Sustainability Report 2023

After working intensively on calculating our carbon footprint in 2022, our particular focus in 2023 was on diversity, reduction targets, KPIs and policy management. We remain true to our values and our claim “We Care. We Drive. We Deliver.” faithfully.  

July 2024: Sustainability badge from EcoVadis

EcoVadis is the global standard for sustainability ratings for companies. The assessment covers 21 criteria on four core topics: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. 

July 2024: Revision of the Travel Policy

Sustainable mobility was anchored in the travel policy of all GROUP companies

May 2024: Human Rights and Working Conditions Policy

With our new policy on respecting human rights and working conditions, we are making a clear commitment to a working environment characterized by respect, fairness and safety - for each and every one of us.

May 2024: Launch of the GROUP Academy

In addition to company-specific sustainability training, mandatory sustainability training will be offered centrally by the GROUP Academy in future. This includes topics such as information security, data protection and ethical behavior.

April 2024: Supplier Evaluation Policy

We want to provide a target-oriented framework for supplier evaluation in order to meet the requirements and framework conditions in equal measure. 

April 2024: Women in Tech

Launch of our “Women in Tech” network. We use it to promote exchange and collaboration between female GROUP employees across company, department and team boundaries. 

March 2024: Corporate Language Guide

With our Corporate Language Guide, we want to build trust, foster relationships and create values that live up to our sustainability claim.

February 2024: Diversity guideline

In addition to our Code of Conduct, the Diversity Guideline was defined. It promotes the commitment of all TIMETOACT GROUP companies to a diverse and inclusive working environment. The policy creates the framework for a prejudice-free working environment in which the benefits of diversity are fully realized.

December 2023: Compliance management at GROUP level

To make optimum use of our expertise, we will support our companies in future with compliance management at GROUP level.

December 2023: Statement from the GROUP management on the topic of diversity

The GROUP management has issued a clear statement on the importance of diversity for the GROUP.

November 2023: Sustainability strategy

The development of a comprehensive sustainability strategy is a key result of the core team's collaboration with the Management Board. It sets out the desired strategic direction in writing and provides clear instructions on how to proceed, implement and review all sustainability activities. 

November 2023: Environmental protection included in the GROUP's catalog of values

The TIMETOACT GROUP's culture of values is very strong and is personally implemented by the management every time new employees are onboarded. Environmental protection also has a firm place in our catalog of values.

October 2023: Expansion of the mental health offering

In order to provide our employees and their families with the best possible support, the expanded mental health offering is communicated intensively to our employees.
This also includes topics such as female finance, care and mental health.

September 2023: Environmental policy

With our environmental policy, we have defined the obligations, procedures and responsibilities for promoting environmental protection in the TIMETOACT GROUP.

July 2023: Recycling of hardware

We have decided to work with circulee to promote the topic of “sustainable IT”.

May 2023: Signing of the Diversity Charter and establishment of a Diversity Board

On German Diversity Day, the GROUP-wide Diversity Board was established and the Diversity Charter was signed. 

April 2023: Publication of the Sustainability Report 2022

In our first Sustainability Report 2022, we present our goals and the measures we are taking to contribute to sustainability.

March 2023: Public whistleblower form on all GROUP sites

To report violations of any kind, you can do so anonymously using our whistleblower form. Because fair cooperation is important to us.

December 2022: Climate neutrality of the TIMETOACT GROUP in 2022

As part of our collaboration with ClimatePartner, we have invested in various environmental projects and were able to close the 2022 reporting year climate-neutral.

October 2022: Standardization of a Code of Conduct

There were already various approaches to behavioral guidelines in our companies. We combined these into a GROUP-wide Code of Conduct.

August 2022: GROUP-wide survey on the topic of diversity

Our employee survey on diversity was generally well received. Nevertheless, it helped us to derive measures from the results in order to further sensitize employees.

July 2022: Partnership with ClimatePartner

In 2022, we decided to partner with ClimatePartner to calculate the carbon footprint of the TIMETOACT GROUP.

March 2022: Standardized employee satisfaction survey

We introduced monthly employee satisfaction surveys in all GROUP companies. Through regular exchanges with our employees, any shortcomings can be identified and remedied at an early stage.

January 2022: launch of the ESG project

In the past, we mainly approached sustainability activities intuitively. In 2022, we heralded the official start of the project with the establishment of a GROUP-wide sustainability team.

We are still far from being perfect, but: We are staying on it!
We want to get better step by step and constantly expand our timeline.

Unternehmen 2/27/25

Sustainability in the TIMETOACT GROUP

Sustainability is one of the big topics of our time and we also want to get involved and face up to our responsibility as TIMETOACT GROUP. Find out everything about our sustainability activities here.

Sustainability. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.


Sustainability, i.e. the ability to act in an ecologically, socially and economically responsible manner, is more than just a trend. It is a necessity in order to remain competitive and future-proof in the long term. More and more customers, investors and employees expect companies to be committed to the environment and society and to report transparently on their sustainability goals and performance.

Sustainability. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.


We support you in developing and implementing your sustainability strategy.

News 2/27/25

The IPG Group becomes part of the TIMETOACT GROUP

The TIMETOACT GROUP acquires the majority of the shares of IPG Information Process Group Holding AG, based in Winterthur. Through the acquisition, the competencies for Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions in the DACH market are combined.

News 2/27/25

The IPG Group becomes part of the TIMETOACT GROUP

The TIMETOACT GROUP acquires the majority of the shares of IPG Information Process Group Holding AG, based in Winterthur. Through the acquisition, the competencies for Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions in the DACH market are combined.

News 2/27/25

The IPG Group becomes part of the TIMETOACT GROUP

The TIMETOACT GROUP acquires the majority of the shares of IPG Information Process Group Holding AG, based in Winterthur. Through the acquisition, the competencies for Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions in the DACH market are combined.

News 2/26/25

The IPG Group becomes part of the TIMETOACT GROUP

The TIMETOACT GROUP acquires the majority of the shares of IPG Information Process Group Holding AG, based in Winterthur. Through the acquisition, the competencies for Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions in the DACH market are combined.

Blog 11/5/24

AIM Hackathon 2024: Sustainability Meets LLMs

Focusing on impactful AI applications, participants addressed key issues like greenwashing detection, ESG report relevance mapping, and compliance with the European Green Deal.



TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH will transfer the administrative areas and TIMETOACT GROUP Sales to its parent company, TIMETOACT GROUP GmbH, as of January 1, 2024.



TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH will transfer the administrative areas and TIMETOACT GROUP Sales to its parent company, TIMETOACT GROUP GmbH, as of January 1, 2024.



TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH will transfer the administrative areas and TIMETOACT GROUP Sales to its parent company, TIMETOACT GROUP GmbH, as of January 1, 2024.



TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH will transfer the administrative areas and TIMETOACT GROUP Sales to its parent company, TIMETOACT GROUP GmbH, as of January 1, 2024.

News 12/11/24

JOIN(+) becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

Cologne/Villingen-Schwenningen, 11 December 2024 – TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for the upper mid-sized-market companies, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring JOIN(+), an experienced consulting company in the field of Big Data & AI. The two managing directors of JOIN(+) will continue to manage the company after the transaction and will be responsible for its integration into TIMETOACT GROUP.

News 12/11/24

JOIN(+) becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

Cologne/Villingen-Schwenningen, 11 December 2024 – TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for the upper mid-sized-market companies, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring JOIN(+), an experienced consulting company in the field of Big Data & AI. The two managing directors of JOIN(+) will continue to manage the company after the transaction and will be responsible for its integration into TIMETOACT GROUP.

News 12/11/24

JOIN(+) becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

Cologne/Villingen-Schwenningen, 11 December 2024 – TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for the upper mid-sized-market companies, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring JOIN(+), an experienced consulting company in the field of Big Data & AI. The two managing directors of JOIN(+) will continue to manage the company after the transaction and will be responsible for its integration into TIMETOACT GROUP.

News 12/11/24

JOIN(+) becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

Cologne/Villingen-Schwenningen, 11 December 2024 – TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for the upper mid-sized-market companies, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring JOIN(+), an experienced consulting company in the field of Big Data & AI. The two managing directors of JOIN(+) will continue to manage the company after the transaction and will be responsible for its integration into TIMETOACT GROUP.

News 2/21/24

Trustbit becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for medium-sized businesses, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring Trustbit, an experienced Austrian consulting firm focused on digital transformation and the development of digital business models.

News 2/21/24

Trustbit becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for medium-sized businesses, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring Trustbit, an experienced Austrian consulting firm focused on digital transformation and the development of digital business models.

News 2/21/24

Trustbit becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for medium-sized businesses, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring Trustbit, an experienced Austrian consulting firm focused on digital transformation and the development of digital business models.

News 2/21/24

Trustbit becomes part of TIMETOACT GROUP

TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading provider of IT services for medium-sized businesses, corporations and public institutions, is acquiring Trustbit, an experienced Austrian consulting firm focused on digital transformation and the development of digital business models.