Adoption & Change Management

With Business Intelligence, you are in control of your digital data. We design and construct the right BI solution for you and offer services in various disciplines.

Adoption & change management are decisive factors for the success of digital transformations. They deal with how people, processes and cultures adapt to new technologies, strategies and ways of working. Without an effective adoption & change management strategy, companies cannot realize the full potential of their investments, overcome resistance and achieve sustainable change.

Our services

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of Adoption & Change Management services tailored to your individual needs and objectives. Our services include:

Requirement analysis

We determine the current and desired state of your organization, identify the gaps and challenges and define the requirements for the adoption & change management measures.

Strategy development

We develop a customized Adoption & Change Management strategy that is aligned with your vision, stakeholders, communication channels and success criteria.

Implementation support

We support you in the implementation of Adoption & Change Management activities, e.g. training, coaching, feedback, change agents, knowledge management and monitoring.

Performance measurement

We evaluate the success of the Adoption & Change Management measures using quantitative and qualitative indicators, e.g. degree of utilization, satisfaction, productivity and business results.

Our general approach

We implement the topics of adoption & change management in our projects using a proven, agile and collaborative approach.
We work closely with you to understand your needs, meet your expectations and empower your employees.
We follow international standards and best practices for Adoption & Change Management, e.g. the ADKAR model, the PROSCI methodology and the Kotter 8-step model.
We adapt our methods and tools flexibly to your specific situation and budget.
We value transparent, regular and open communication with all parties involved.
We strive for continuous improvement and a long-term learning process.

Our experts

Portraitbild Carsten Schulz Head of Modern Work, novaCapta GmbH
Carsten Schulz
Leiter Modern Work novaCapta GmbH
Portraitbild von Wolfgang Raestrup
Wolfgang Raestrup
Bereichsleiter Modern Work novaCapta GmbH

Our service platforms and technology partners

Logo Microsoft

Additional information

Contact us now!

We would be happy to advise you in a non-binding conversation and show you the potential and possibilities of Adoption & Change Management. Just leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



Based on Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, Azure, BizTalk and PowerBI novaCapta realizes intranets, collaboration portals, business intelligence solutions, individual applications and more.


New Work & Agile Organization

When it comes to New Work and Agile Organization, we are not interested in achieving utopias, but in real, sustainable change that advances your business just as much as your employees.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.


Agile Transformation & New Work

React quickly and purposefully to foreseeable and unforeseeable events with Agile Transformation and New Work.


Technology Adoption & Integration

Fully exploit the potential of your IT ► Together we will develop a targeted strategy and provide you with holistic support


Digital transformation in public administration

The digital transformation will massively change the world of work, especially in public administration. We support federal, state and local authorities in the strategic and technical implementation of their administrative modernisation projects.


Training & Coaching

We offer a wide range of training and coaching services tailored to your individual needs.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Technologie Übersicht


As "HCL Platinum Business Partner" we have years of experience with these tools and will continue to make use of them in the future ✓

Navigationsbild zu Data Science

AI & Data Science

We offer comprehensive solutions in the fields of data science, machine learning and AI that are tailored to your specific challenges and goals.


Process Transformation, Integration & Automation

Using Process Transformation, Integration & Automation to react quickly to market changes and sustainably improve competitiveness.


ITAM / SAM & FinOps

We support you in the introduction and implementation of IT Asset Management, Software Asset Management and FinOps in your company with our expertise.

Digital Workplace & Employee Experience

Digital Workplace & Employee Experience

The Digital Workplace gained in importance, especially in recent months, becoming indispensable for many companies. The Microsoft Office 365 platform provides an ideal basis for this development.


Spend Management Consulting

Our team of spend management experts can help you analyze, optimize and control your IT spend.


IT & Application Modernization

We offer our customers comprehensive support in the area of IT & Application Modernization.

Security, Identity & Access Management

Security, Identity & Access Management

Time and again we hear about hacker attacks on companies that target sensitive company data. Therefore, security and access control of data must never be neglected.


Analytics, BI & Planning

Powerful and flexible solutions to help you make better decisions, meet customer needs & identify opportunities with Analytics, BI & Planning


Monitoring & Service Assurance

Identify and resolve problems quickly with monitoring and service assurance to increase customer satisfaction.


Security, Identity & Access Governance

We offer our customers comprehensive support in the areas of security, identity and access governance.

Headerbild zu Digitalem Ökosystem

Fit for the digital ecosystem

Insurers are digitally networking with their ecosystem to gain critical capabilities in a division of labor. Personal data, object data are securely exchanged via common digital interfaces.