Artificial Intelligence: Workshops for Professionals and Executives

Our AI workshops are ideal for companies looking to explore and leverage the full potential of artificial intelligence.

We offer three AI workshop modules that can be booked individually or in combination.

Foundations of AI for Businesses

This workshop is designed for companies planning to implement AI or seeking to learn about the key aspects of artificial intelligence.

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Prompt Engineering Workshop

For anyone who regularly works with AI-powered language models (e.g., ChatGPT) and wants to improve their efficiency in everyday use.

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AI Potential Scouting Workshop

Executives or domain experts who want to identify which areas of their company can be made more efficient through AI.

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AI Fundamentals for Businesses

This workshop is designed for companies planning to implement AI or looking to learn about the key aspects of artificial intelligence.

After this workshop, you will have a solid understanding of the potential applications of AI in your company. You will be able to assess which areas can benefit from AI and will be familiar with the essential legal frameworks.

What to expect in this workshop:  
- How AI systems work  
- The 4 stages of AI utilization and their requirements  
- Application areas across various industries  
- Important legal aspects, such as data protection and compliance  
- Technological prerequisites for implementing AI solutions"

Full-day workshop


Remote or on-site


€ 5.000,00


Prompt Engineering Workshop

For those who regularly work with AI-powered language models (e.g., ChatGPT) and want to improve their efficiency in everyday use.

You will be able to use tools like ChatGPT in your work environment effectively to achieve fast, precise, and high-quality results. This workshop will help you save time and improve the quality of your work processes.

What to expect in this workshop:  
We will show you how to optimize your workflows and achieve better results through targeted inputs (prompts):  

- Best practices for working with language models like ChatGPT  
- Tips and tricks for crafting effective prompts  
- Practical examples for everyday workplace use  
- Tools and techniques to improve output quality

Remote or on-site


€ 5.000,00


AI Potential Scouting Workshop

Ideal for executives, innovation managers, and industry experts seeking to explore how AI can enhance efficiency across different areas of their company.

You will receive specific, actionable recommendations on how and where AI can drive the most significant efficiency improvements in your company. Together, we will craft a strategy to fully capitalize on these opportunities.

What to expect in this workshop:
In this workshop, we will collaborate to identify which workflows in your company can be optimized through AI. You will gain insights into:

- Discovering AI opportunities within existing processes  
- Prioritizing the most impactful application areas  
- Developing a strategic roadmap for the successful implementation of AI solutions

Tailored to your specific needs.

Duration (to be discussed in a preliminary call)

Remote or on-site


Upon request


Interested in our AI workshops? Contact us!

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Martin Warnung
Sales Consultant TIMETOACT GROUP Österreich GmbH +43 664 881 788 80
Blog 7/22/24

Let's build an Enterprise AI Assistant

In the previous blog post we have talked about basic principles of building AI assistants. Let’s take them for a spin with a product case that we’ve worked on: using AI to support enterprise sales pipelines.

Blog 10/31/23

5 Inconvenient Questions when hiring an AI company

This article discusses five questions you should ask when buying an AI. These questions are inconvenient for providers of AI products, but they are necessary to ensure that you are getting the best product for your needs. The article also discusses the importance of testing the AI system on your own data to see how it performs.

Blog 5/17/24

8 tips for developing AI assistants

8 practical tips for implementing AI assistants

Blog 4/16/24

The Intersection of AI and Voice Manipulation

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in text-to-speech (TTS) technologies has revolutionized the way we interact with written content. Natural Readers, standing at the forefront of this innovation, offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to a broad spectrum of needs, from personal leisure to educational support and commercial use. As we delve into the capabilities of Natural Readers, it's crucial to explore both the advantages it brings to the table and the ethical considerations surrounding voice manipulation in TTS technologies.

Headerbild zur AI Factory for Insurance
Service 2/27/25

AI Factory for Insurance

The AI Factory for Insurance is an innovative organisational model combined with a flexible, modular IT architecture. It is an innovation and implementation factory to systematically develop, train and deploy AI models in digital business processes.

Headerbild zur AI Factory for Insurance
Service 2/26/25

AI Factory for Insurance

The AI Factory for Insurance is an innovative organisational model combined with a flexible, modular IT architecture. It is an innovation and implementation factory to systematically develop, train and deploy AI models in digital business processes.

Wissen 4/30/24

GPT & Co: The best language models for digital products

Our analysis based on real benchmark data reveals which solutions excel in document processing, CRM integration, external integration, marketing support and code generation. Find your ideal model!

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.


Artificial Intelligence in Treasury Management

Optimize treasury processes with AI: automated reports, forecasts, and risk management.

Blog 5/16/24

Common Mistakes in the Development of AI Assistants

We share how failures when implementing AI occurr and what can be learned from them for future projects: So that AI assistants can be implemented more successfully in the future!

Blog 7/22/24

So You are Building an AI Assistant?

So you are building an AI assistant for the business? This is a popular topic in the companies these days. Everybody seems to be doing that. While running AI Research in the last months, I have discovered that many companies in the USA and Europe are building some sort of AI assistant these days, mostly around enterprise workflow automation and knowledge bases. There are common patterns in how such projects work most of the time. So let me tell you a story...

Blog 12/4/24

ChatGPT & Co: LLM Benchmarks for November

Find out which large language models outperformed in the November 2024 benchmarks. Stay informed on the latest AI developments and performance metrics.

Blog 4/28/23

Creating a Social Media Posts Generator Website with ChatGPT

Using the GPT-3-turbo and DALL-E models in Node.js to create a social post generator for a fictional product can be really helpful. The author uses ChatGPT to create an API that utilizes the openai library for Node.js., a Vue component with an input for the title and message of the post. This article provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the project and includes links to the code repository.

puzzled bearded skilled man
Lösung 2/27/25

Optimize security: Workshop for Google Cloud SCC

Discover the 5-day workshop on Google Cloud SCC setup and security improvement.

puzzled bearded skilled man
Lösung 2/26/25

Optimize security: Workshop for Google Cloud SCC

Discover the 5-day workshop on Google Cloud SCC setup and security improvement.

Blog 11/27/23

Part 4: Save Time and Analyze the Database File

ChatGPT-4 enables you to analyze database contents with just two simple steps (copy and paste), facilitating well-informed decision-making.

Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture