Headerbild zu Smart Insurance Workflows

Smart Insurance Workflows

Take advantage of modern workflows and realize automation potential in business processes.
Headerbild zu Intelligente Dokumentenverarbeitung / Intelligent Document Processing

Intelligent Document Processing

Speed up document processing and not only save costs, but also increase quality and speed.

Was sind Smart Insurance Workflows?

Smart insurance workflows are modern workflows that focus on the customer experience - even with hybrid contact (digital and with people).

  • Together with you, we realize automation potentials in the business processes and support you in tool selection and implementation.

Use of obsolete applications

Not only insurers have a contract logic without a customer view, but business processes also have numerous media breaks.

Searching in documents and document archives is often still done manually. Outdated core applications (contract systems, claims systems) do not support individualized product offerings and make processing difficult. Various contact channels (telephone, Internet, messaging services, letters) are not yet integrated and do not allow a processing status for customers. As a result, processing is slow and error-prone, and customers become dissatisfied.

Smart Insurance Workflows

Align your workflows with the customer experience

Digitization, learning business processes, a high degree of automation and decision support in claims and benefits management promote speed and quality. With the help of smart insurance workflows, you get business processes without media breaks, in which customer concerns are quickly identified and reliably processed on the one hand, and which know, understand, and perhaps even anticipate the customer's context on the other. 

With these "smart" business processes, you generate maximum customer satisfaction, lower process costs, better decisions, and more networking and collaboration.

Benefit from Smart Insurance Workflows:

Intellgent Document Proccessing

With Intellgent Document Proccessing (IDP), you accelerate document processing in the capture, recognition, and classification of business documents. As a result, you have a better understanding of the customer context by leveraging knowledge from large, distributed data sets. As a result, you improve underwriting and claims and benefits management decisions.

Innovative claims and performance management

Insurers offer new types of services for their customers - as a true life companion. Offers are personalized and "convenient" for customers, communication takes place without media breaks across all contact channels. This not only reduces process costs, but also costs for claims and benefits processing.

Automation of business processes

Quickly and reliably handle customer concerns, creating a high level of customer satisfaction. Machines understand texts like humans, help with decisions and control a digital workflow. The latest technologies such as AI and robotic automation help.

Modern core applications and product machines

Insurers are serving customer needs faster and in a more integrated way. To this end, they are modernizing their core applications, increasingly relying on standards and flexible architectures. In this way, customers will be processed efficiently in the frond end.

Our services for you:

We build Smart Insurance Workflows with you!

  • Data Fabric
    We create the right information architecture across heterogeneous data sources and use AI and Data Science to get the information you need from your data for Smart Insurance Workflows

  • Intelligent Document Processing as SaaS (Software as a Service) and Managed Service
    Do you want to obtain recognition, classification and subject data extraction simply as a service, without having to build and maintain your own infrastructure? We provide the secure cloud environment and offer service desk and support for your requirements.

  • Automatic handwriting recognition: 
    With the right technologies, we automate the handwriting recognition process. This way we ensure that fewer errors occur and your employees are relieved.

  • Intelligent Document Processing
    We modernize document processing with Intelligent Document Proccessing (IDP), superior OCR, handwriting recognition, automatic classification and subject data extraction - with different vendor stacks.

  • Robotics Process Automation (RPA)
    RPA offers you numerous advantages. Above all, you avoid media discontinuity and tedious data entry through pragmatic automation solutions. We support you in the introduction and use.

  • Business Process Automation
    We support you in opening up new business opportunities through optimized, automated and integrated processes.

From theory to practice:

Learn about our Intelligent Document Processing use cases from other industries as well:

Technologies used

For smart insurance workflows, we rely on artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), and business process management (BPM). In addition, we rely on the approach of design thinking and semantic search. Of course, enterprise content management must not be left out in this context.

We will be happy to advise you.

Eliminate media discontinuities with Smart Insurance Workflows and rely on process automation. We are there for you!

With the help of design thinking workshops and discovery workshops, we lay the foundation for Smart Insurance Workflows. We support you in the introduction/optimization of text recognition (OCR). Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Document Management Systems (CMS) as well as for mailbox and archiving solutions.

Our services also include the modernization of your core applications (with ISV partners): architecture consulting, analysis, architecture design patterns, implementation projects, application integration, data migration, managed services.

Smart Insurance Workflows Webcasts

View past webcasts (in german) on Smart Insurance Workflows for free.

Contact us now!

We would be happy to advise you in a non-binding meeting and show you the potential and possibilities of Smart Insurance Workflows. Just leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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We use the information you send to us only to contact you in context of your request. For this purpose, we store your data in our CRM for up to 6 months. You can find all further information in our Privacy Policy.

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Headbilder zu innovativem Schadenmanagement für Versicherungen

Effective claims management for insurers

From claims creation to settlement, digital processes help in claims management ► More efficiency ✓ Positive customer experience ✓ Contact us now.

Headerbild zu Intelligente Dokumentenverarbeitung / Intelligent Document Processing
Service 8/11/21

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) involves the capture, recognition and classification of business documents and data from unstructured and semi-structured texts.

Headerbild für lokale Entwicklerressourcen in Deutschland

On-site digitization partner for insurance companies

We find the optimal IT solution for insurance companies! ► Everything from a single source ✓ Personally on site ✓ Arrange a personal exchange now.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Branche 2/20/25


Insurance companies live by making a promise to people - and that promise is security.

Headerbild zu Digitale Transformation bei Versicherern

Mastering digital transformation in insurance

Digital transformation is the transformation of the corporate world through new technologies and the Internet ► Learn how insurers can master this.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Headerbild zur AI Factory for Insurance
Service 7/5/21

AI Factory for Insurance

The AI Factory for Insurance is an innovative organisational model combined with a flexible, modular IT architecture. It is an innovation and implementation factory to systematically develop, train and deploy AI models in digital business processes.

Headerbild zur automatischen Handschrifterkennung bei Versicherern

Automatic handwriting recognition for insurers

With automatic handwriting recognition, handwritten texts are automatically understood ► Fewer errors ✓ More efficiency ✓ Contact now.

Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture


Digital transformation in public administration

The digital transformation will massively change the world of work, especially in public administration. We support federal, state and local authorities in the strategic and technical implementation of their administrative modernisation projects.



IT and digitalisation are too often seen in Germany as pure cost drivers, without taking into account the revenue opportunities and potentials. We know the challenges in the healthcare sector and help you find the best IT solutions.


Process Transformation, Integration & Automation

Using Process Transformation, Integration & Automation to react quickly to market changes and sustainably improve competitiveness.

Headerbild zu Digitalem Ökosystem

Fit for the digital ecosystem

Insurers are digitally networking with their ecosystem to gain critical capabilities in a division of labor. Personal data, object data are securely exchanged via common digital interfaces.

Headerbild zur offenen und sicheren IT bei Versicherungen

Open and secure IT

Just a few years ago, insurers were reluctant to move into the cloud or platform world. Concerns about security and governance often prevailed. The paradigm has changed.

Commerce & Customer Experience, CRM

Commerce & Customer Experience, CRM

In trade, a positive customer experience (CX) is of central importance for the continued success of a company. To achieve this, the customer's expectations must be met at all touch points.

News 8/6/21

Intelligent Document Processing now even more efficient!

For these reasons, we are constantly improving our performance in the field of Intelligent Document Processing and now have a strong partner at our side in the form of the experts from PLANET artificial intelligence GmbH in Rostock.

Blog 7/13/21

Composite UI with Design System and Micro Frontends

Discover how to create scalable composite UIs using design systems and micro-frontends. Enhance consistency and agility in your development process.

Headerbild zu Cloud bei Versicherungen

Paths to the cloud for insurers

We accompany insurance companies on their secure path to the cloud ► Flexibility ✓ Innovation ✓ Cost and performance benefits ✓ Contact us now.

Process Integration & Automation

Process Integration & Automation

Digitizing and improving business processes and reacting to changes in an agile way – these are the challenges that more and more companies need to face.