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Fullstack Development

Reduce your Software Development effort - with our Fullstack Development Service, the work and project view comes from a single source.
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What is Fullstack Development?

The trend in Software Development is towards Full-Stack Development. Full-stack developers are programmers who work in both frontend and backend development and thus have skills in databases, servers, systems and clients. Depending on the client's project, this can be a mobile app, a web app or a native app. This results in a significantly reduced coordination effort for the customer, as the entire work and thus also the overarching project view comes from a single source.

Grafik zu MEAN-Stack bei Fullstack Development


While in the past mainly the LAMP stack (consisting of Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) was used, nowadays MEAN-Stack is more popular. MEAN-Stack is a full-stack, JavaScript-based framework for the development of web applications in the frontend and backend. It is based on

  • MongoDB as a non-relational database
  • Express as web framework
  • Angular as frontend framework
  • NodeJS as the web server.

The big advantage of MEAN-Stack is that it is very lightweight and thus ideal for a microservice architecture with containers.

React vs. Angular

The two frameworks Angular and React have established themselves in recent years. They do not necessarily differ in terms of functionality, but much more in the opinions and design decisions that determine the work with the frameworks and the resulting code. 


React, for example, has for some time been moving further and further away from the model of components as classes with a complex "lifecycle" towards functional components. Hooks" are used to react to changes and are thus "reactive" in the truest sense of the word.


Angular, on the other hand, continues to rely on object-oriented programming and mandates the use of TypeScript, for example, which makes the code more typed, eliminates a whole class of bugs, and usually results in higher quality code.

Our Service regarding Fullstack Development

From choosing the right frontend framework to using the right database model - our experts will help you make the right decision for your use case.


We have experts for both Angular projects and React projects. Our developers can also work on projects based on older frameworks like jQuery without any problems.


Our full-stack developers are not only skilled at navigating through the many tables of proven monolithic databases with declarative SQL queries, but are also well-versed in a variety of different NoSQL databases.

A selection of our customer projects

We have already implemented individual requirements with application development in numerous customer projects. Read the reference stories here:

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