Produktive Teams führen zu zufriedenen Kunden

Webcast: Productive teams lead to satisfied customers

Unleash the full potential of your company through better customer contact

Whether knowledge management, IT or service desk, the topic of service management is becoming increasingly important for customer satisfaction. Not only the IT infrastructure, but also distributed and cross-location internal workflows must function without interruption. This increases the need for a central point of contact that controls all business processes smoothly and provides the best possible support.

In order to develop the full potential of a company, Atlassian combines all requirements of modern service management in a central, ITIL-certified solution: JIRA Service Desk.

Learn more about Atlassian's enterprise-wide service management approach in our live webinar.

Learn more in the webcast

In a webcast Arne Ralf, Atlassian Specialist at the TIMETOACT GROUP, explains in a practical example

  • how to unleash the full potential of your teams with a company-wide service desk
  • which processes, automation rules and templates are included out-of-the-box as on-board tools.
  • how to set up your customized Service Desk in just a few days.
Produktive Teams führen zu zufriedenen Kunden

Webcast: Productive teams lead to satisfied customers

In a webcast, Arne Ralf, Atlassian Specialist at the TIMETOACT GROUP, will explain in a practical example how to unleash the full potential of your teams with a company-wide service desk and much more.

Produktive Teams führen zu zufriedenen Kunden

Webcast: Productive teams lead to satisfied customers

In a webcast, Arne Ralf, Atlassian Specialist at the TIMETOACT GROUP, will explain in a practical example how to unleash the full potential of your teams with a company-wide service desk and much more.

Produktive Teams führen zu zufriedenen Kunden

Webcast: Productive teams lead to satisfied customers

In a webcast, Arne Ralf, Atlassian Specialist at the TIMETOACT GROUP, will explain in a practical example how to unleash the full potential of your teams with a company-wide service desk and much more.


Expedition zum Identity Management

Webcast: "Expedition zum Identity Management"

Headerbild zu Smart Insurance Workflows

Smart Insurance Workflows

Using a design thinking approach, we orient workflows to the customer experience and design customer-centric end-to-end processes.


Expedition zum Identity Management

Webcast: "Expedition zum Identity Management"


Expedition zum Identity Management

Webcast: "Expedition zum Identity Management"

Headerbild zu Smart Insurance Workflows

Smart Insurance Workflows

Using a design thinking approach, we orient workflows to the customer experience and design customer-centric end-to-end processes.

Headerbild zum Enterprise Service Portal

Enterprise Service Desk

With technical and professional-methodical competence, our ITIL experts advise our customers in all questions regarding the design and organization of processes and the further development of a modern service desk.

Headerbild zum Enterprise Service Portal

Enterprise Service Desk

With technical and professional-methodical competence, our ITIL experts advise our customers in all questions regarding the design and organization of processes and the further development of a modern service desk.

Headerbild zum Enterprise Service Portal

Enterprise Service Desk

With technical and professional-methodical competence, our ITIL experts advise our customers in all questions regarding the design and organization of processes and the further development of a modern service desk.

Software License Consulting & Cost Optimization

Our starter packages

Fast access to a modern and scalable service desk, efficient task and Project Management across all business processes and performance check

Software License Consulting & Cost Optimization

Our starter packages

Fast access to a modern and scalable service desk, efficient task and Project Management across all business processes and performance check

Software License Consulting & Cost Optimization

Our starter packages

Fast access to a modern and scalable service desk, efficient task and Project Management across all business processes and performance check

Headerbild zum Enterprise Service Portal

Enterprise Service Desk

With technical and professional-methodical competence, our ITIL experts advise our customers in all questions regarding the design and organization of processes and the further development of a modern service desk.

Header zu Fullstack Development

Fullstack Development

The trend in Software Development is towards Full-Stack Development. Full-stack developers are programmers who work in both frontend and backend development and thus have competencies in the areas of databases, servers, systems and clients.

Headerbild zur offenen und sicheren IT bei Versicherungen

Open and secure IT

Just a few years ago, insurers were reluctant to move into the cloud or platform world. Concerns about security and governance often prevailed. The paradigm has changed.

Teaserbild zu Software Asset Management (SAM)

Reduce your costs with Software Asset Management (SAM)!

Companies find it increasingly difficult to keep track of the software they use. We support you in this!

Headerbild zu Digitalem Ökosystem

Fit for the digital ecosystem

Insurers are digitally networking with their ecosystem to gain critical capabilities in a division of labor. Personal data, object data are securely exchanged via common digital interfaces.

Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture