In the last article, I highlighted the special methodology of the project. The focus was always on close cooperation with the sustainability experts at delta pronatura, in which we concentrated on their technical analysis and reporting requirements. In contrast to traditional IT projects, the focus here was less on discussing technical functions and more on achieving the greatest possible added value in sustainability reporting.
Iterative process during implementation
Although the technical requirements were documented at an early stage, the final coordination of the “Master Data Matrix” proved to be more complex than expected. Internal coordination led to constant further development of the documentation and new dependencies had to be clarified time and again. This required a repeated revision of hierarchies and structures for “Locations”, “Accounts”, “Account Styles”, “Data Types” and “Data Type Categories” within Envizi until the final configuration plan could finally be submitted for approval. We were able to complete this task at the beginning of August and Envizi was finally configured by IBM's technical experts.
Insight 1: Clear communication and a comprehensive understanding of Envizi terminology within the project team were crucial for success.
- “Locations": We define hierarchies and their impact on reporting and analyses, e.g. company structure, geographical structures, product lines, but also artificial reporting structures
- “Accounts”, ‘Account Styles’, ‘Data Types’ and ‘Data Type Categories’: We specify data points to be stored, including the assignment to scopes according to GHG.
- “Emission Factors": Envizi provides an extensive set of predefined emission factors in its application, which can be used to convert the entries into CO²
equivalents, for example, but not for EVERY use case. At delta pronatura, the inclusion of “custom managed factors” is relevant for the ingredients of cleaning agents. In practice, it is not easy to obtain the necessary information.
Envizi offers a variety of predefined options that have to be selected individually.
Challenges of data integration in Envizi
Parallel to the configuration, we prepared the integration of the data sources for Envizi, distinguishing between historical data (“Historical Data Load”) and ongoing data (“Ongoing Data Load”). Historical data was to be collected and imported in a defined format, while ongoing data was to be provided continuously via interfaces. The biggest challenge lay in coordinating the origin and format of the data, as many sources were difficult to access or did not meet the requirements of the new system. Some data had to be laboriously entered or reformatted manually. In order to reduce the effort involved, it was decided in advance to dispense with automated interfaces for the time being.
Despite close cooperation with the specialist departments at delta pronatura, we were unable to obtain all the necessary data from various countries and departments by the time the project was completed. Particularly in the case of more complex data structures, machine support was required to convert the data into the appropriate format. These difficulties ultimately led to delays, so we had to postpone the completion of the system until mid-September.
Insight 2: Clear deadlines and agreements between the entire project team are crucial to minimizing delays and completing the project on time.
Project plan for handover and training
Parallel to the data integration, we carried out training for administrators and end users according to a project plan defined with tasks and templates. This training enabled the delta pronatura team to handle the remaining data deliveries independently. The official handover of the system finally took place on September 25, 2024. In addition to the technical handover, we took all the necessary measures to ensure support from the IBM helpdesk.
All the key findings at a glance:
Knowledge transfer and communication
Realistic planning and documentation
Constant team composition
We conclude our ESG diary with these findings. If you have any questions about Envizi or other ESG topics, please do not hesitate to contact me!